Sunday, August 17, 2008

Little Italy - Cleveland, Ohio

Now that's Italian!

The Feast of the Assumption in Little Italy is always a huge celebration. It's hard to believe that it has already been 5 years since I participated in the celebration in Ortucchio, Italy, the birthplace and childhood town of my maternal grandparents. This year I celebrated in the United States like so many other Italo Americanos. I wonder if I have room for one more bowl of pasta?

Part of a very long mural that is painted on a wall on Murray Hill. It depicts the immigration and history of the Italian-Americans that live in this neighborhood.

The real reason for the celebration.

I didn't notice it at the time, but while editing the image I realized that there was something very familiar about this man; his nose, his hands.....yes, he looked related. Maybe he saw something familiar about me, too and that is why when I passed him the second time, he asked me to take his photograh.

This little boy looked so much like my sister's boys - so cute! He was holding a nice bowl of cavatelli and meatballs. I asked his mother for permission before snapping this photo. Is he of Italian descent? You bet, "100%" his mother proclaimed. Buon appetito bello ragazzo.